Independent net capacity calculation

Independent net capacity calculation

The Standard DfE Measure for School Capacity

The Standard DfE Measure for School Capacity

 Set Capacity for Admissions Process
Capacity of Every Space in your School
Calculates Number of Pupil Places Available
Consultation on Planned Admission Number

Measure all Spaces

Measure all Spaces

 Dimensions for all Spaces
Reference Every Space
Simple Plans to Show Where Spaces Are
Define Space Use to DfE Categories

Pupil Capacity for Every Space

Pupil Capacity for Every Space

 All Rooms Assessed
Excluded Areas: Early Years, Adult Learning, Learning Support, Chapel / Place of Worship, Community Use
Net Area = Total Area of Useable Spaces
Utilisation Factor for Spaces
Apply Workplaces to Each Space Type
Calculates Indicated Admission Number

Local Authorities - The Commissioners of School Places

Local Authorities - The Commissioners of School Places

 Data to inform basic need funding
Need Justification of PAN for Schools in their Area
Need Capacity for ALL Schools
What Room Types do Academies in your Area Have
Data for Negotiating with Academies for Expansion
Data for Annual School Capacity Survey

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